IMWAYR: Sure Sign of Crazy

I happen to be a very slow reader, and I am still reading Sure Signs of Crazy by Karen Harrington. But I am getting close to being done, and I hope to be done by winter break. Once I finish, I will finally get back to reading The Blood of Olympus. I keep on taking breaks for it, breaks from it, because I keep on getting books that I will only have for a limited amount of time. I am still loving Sure Signs of Crazy, but I am a little scared, because I hear it gets sad from here. I am lucky I got Sure Signs of Crazy early, because it kind of went viral in our class, everyone wanted to read it! 

Candy Canes

Waffles, Pancakes, Toast, and I (if you don’t know who they are, read french toast) got into another arguments. What flavor of candy canes was the best. Starburst? NO,  that was Toasts option. Chocolate mint? NO, that was Pancakes option. Bacon? NO, that was Waffles option. You know what is the best? Just plain original minty goodness. Let’s start with starburst. First of all, combining two different types of candy? Sugar rush. And you might break your teeth trying to chew it. Chocolate mint. OK so it sounds like a good idea, but it taste more like fudge than chocolate. Can you say fake advertising. And Bacon… I’m a vegetarian so I don’t have to say much about this. But what about peppermint. We all know that satisfying moment when you breath in the cool air after eating something minty. Do you really want to give that up for what. A sugar rush, fake advertising, and not sweet candy? I didn’t think so. Next time you go Christmas shopping, be smart and get a mint candy cane.

Sure Signs Of Crazy: IMWAYR

I am currently reading Sure Signs Of Crazy by Karen Harrington. This book is about a girl named Sarah, who is going through a rough time in her life. I really enjoy this book, because I think Karen Harrington does an amazing job of developing her characters. Even though some of Sarah’s actions confuse me, she is still a super relate able character. It;s kind of funny that I find her relate able, because we could not be more different. I was recommended this book by my English teacher. I would rate this an 8.7 so far.