What is a writer?

What is a writer? That’s an excellent question! The dictionary has three meanings for it.

  • A person who has written a particular text.
  • A person who writes books, stories, or articles as a job regular occupation.
  • A person who writes in a specific way.

But the truth is that none of these are true. Everybody has a different definition of writer. Maybe that’s what some people would say, but it’s not what I think a writer is. To me a writer is someone who gives black and white text emotions, and turns it into a story.

Crayons Vs. Markers

So me and waffles got into yet another disagreement about crayons. How do you not love crayons? They don’t only give you colorful explosions, but they don’t bleed through paper, like markers! You can actually erase them (sort of). Plus you can blend them, and create different shades using the same crayon. Markers can actually break through a paper, so I hope this will help you on your next decision.

French Toast

My friends are debating whether waffles, or pancakes are better. But what about french toast?! The great syrupy goodness of french toast. Here is an acrostic poem of how awesome-er french toast is!

Full of perfectly balanced delicious flavors!

Really the only the only reason why I  wake up!

Excellently sweet!

Nice and easy to chewy!

Colorful, like a rainbow in my mouth!

How do you not love it?


Totally awesome!

Overly awesome(yeah I  used awesome again)!


So awesome!

Totally awesome-er!

I  really think french toast is awesome, in case you couldn’t tell. So stop making some waffles, Un-flip your pancakes, and eat some french toast!