How To Survive a Hurricane

     This weekend I got into a little hurricane trouble at the beach. Let’s just say I am very happy that the house is a rental. Well, it got me thinking of how I could’ve done a better job of handling the situation. So here are some tips to surviving a hurricane.

  1. Flashlights are your best friends. They run on batteries and create light if, and when the power goes out.
  2. If you plan to stay the night, don’t sleep in the basement, because it is a strong possibility that it will flood.
  3. If you are still planning to stay the night, try to find a room with no are very few windows on the middle floor.
  4. Charge your phones before hand.
  5. Pack water bottles, because the water might go bad, and no one wants to get sick.

             I hope this gave you a little bit of knowledge for the next hurricane season. Stay safe, and dry.
